Thursday 1 April 2010

...Why Coaching? Well, it works!

The use of coaching has rocketed over the last few of years.

In fact, recent research from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) states that 63% of organisations are involved in some form of coaching activity.

Coaching is now recognised as a powerful process that can benefit individuals and organisations in a number of areas, but what exactly do we mean by Coaching?

Coaching, both personal and business, is about helping people to enhance their performance and contribution to their lives and organisations.

A coach will not aim to mentor, counsel or advise, but challenge, motivate and keep you focused on the key drivers of your future goals, rather than discussing past experience and case study.

This level of focus is unlikely to be gained in any other forum, and the results speak for themselves.

Executive Coaching is typically carried out by an external coach and is normally used by key players in organisations and ambitous individuals. Being a successful leader is a lonely place at times and this approach enables you to download key issues in a neutral environment, without fear of negative outcomes, then to recharge and refocus your efforts with a trained performance professional.


Personal Coaching takes on the same approach, focusing on goals in your personal life, but in reality, many area's of work and play cross over our lives, so a coaching session may discuss both if required.

Coaching will typically involve 6+ coaching sessions over a 3-12 month period. Meetings last for approximately 45 mins to 2 hours and begin with an initial fact finding session to create focus for subsequent sessions.

At the end of each coaching session, actions linked to success factors are agreed with the client to work on and reviewed at the start of the next coaching session.

What clients say about coaching

"Chris is a great guy and a fantastic coach and I learned a lot in these sessions. I would definately recommend him as a life coach." Mario Uferpinger - Entrepreneur

"Chris is a natural rapport builder and has the ability to keep his clients focused and on track, he asks questions that challenge, motivate and encourage the client to want to take action" Allison Marlowe - Expert Coach

"I have achieved much more in these 6 coaching sessions, than I have achieved in the past year!" Sukhveer Kaur - Trainee Barrister

"Chris helped me understand my priorties, so I can see what is important to my success and exactly where to focus my energy. I am now looking at my life in a very positive way." Gavin Chapman - Business Analyst

"I feel Chris has really moved me forward, and made me more confident of success. I feel able to influence the (career) outcome in a period of great uncertainty" Ruth Howe - Small Business Owner